Monthly Archives: November 2014

6 Things You Should Know About Your Weight Loss

There are 6 things you should know about weight loss if your goal is to lose weight and keep it off. These 6 things are as true or as false as you want to make them. If you choose to make them true you will be rewarded with sustained weight management. It’s really your decision […]

Comfort Food Diet

This sudden cold snap, and the return to Eastern Standard Time, does more than make us turn up the heat and curse the early hour it becomes dark. It changes our appetites too. Meals consisting of greens and raw vegetables topped with cold chicken isn’t what we want. That was appealing when the temperatures were […]

3 Sneaky (and a little weird) Weight Loss Strategies That Really Work!

You probably have read or heard all the standard weight loss strategies. They all are practical, healthy ways to eat less and to move more. Nobody can argue they’re not good approaches, but you might argue they’re easier said than done. Sometimes it helps to tackle the whole eat less/move more problem not head on, but […]

When Weight Loss Isn’t Good

As somebody who has struggled with my weight, I fully understand the delight brought on by stepping on the scale and seeing a lower number. It’s a wonderful feeling to see that your efforts are finally paying off. What about when your efforts haven’t really changed? For those of us who have had a hard […]